Never forget the beginning and be grateful to the predecessors
Release time:2021-12-22

Time flies like an arrow. Unknowingly, Changchun Engley has been matching forward for 30 years through hardships. During the 30 years of growth, Engley has developed its unique corporate culture - the eT culture.

The year 2021 is destined to be an extraordinary year for Engley. On April 15, 2021, Engley was successfully listed, and this year is also the 30th anniversary of Changchun Engley. On this special day, Chengdu Engley held a group building activity with the theme of "Never forget the entrepreneurship and give thanks to our predecessors" in order to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the group, also to carry forward the company's eT culture - eTalk, eTeam, eTrust, eThank. Through a series of exciting group games, we cultivate employees' organizational skills, communication and collaboration skills as well as good team spirit.

June 28 9 a.m. all participating colleagues gathered on the training field and the instructor randomly divided the participants into three teams. After a simple warming-up exercise, the formal team development training activities began. Through the guidance of the instructor, members of each team competed for time in the game and showed their skills, and the game of each group was in full swing. Through a series of group games, it broke the distance between colleagues, increased mutual trust, and at the same time, also invariably deepened the degree of communication between colleagues, making the collaboration between each other in the subsequent games smoother and the efficiency of the activities greatly improved. At 4 p.m., the training ended successfully and an excellent team was selected through the final score and we were honored to have vice president Mr. CHEN Gan to award the prize to everyone. At the same time, we were honored to invite Mr. LIN Qibin, Chairman of the Group, to present a special award to Engley's 10-year veteran employees to thank them for their dedication to Engley. We believe that through this outdoor training, we can understand Engley's "eT culture" more deeply and use this excellent culture better in our work and life in the future.

A good company can never be separated from an excellent corporate culture. We believe that Engley’s excellent corporate culture will blossom everywhere in the future and lead us to create a good company and a good life for Engley people together!

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